Our Curriculum Intent
At St. Mary’s RC Primary School, we provide each child with a broad and balanced curriculum with our Catholic ethos and values at the core.
Our vision is to provide a curriculum that is inclusive, enriching, engaging and investigative with, well planned and relevant learning experience both inside and outside the classroom.
This curriculum instils a love of learning where pupils and staff support each other to succeed and achieve, ensuring that it is accessible to all learners regardless of disability or SEND need.
Our aim is to be a school with ambitious and capable learners who are resilient and confident individuals with a thirst for knowledge.
St. Mary’s RC Primary School supports our diverse community, socially and emotionally, through a culture of nurture, secure in the knowledge that they are loved by God. Our school community ‘grow and learn together’.
Pupils leave St Mary’s RC Primary with high aspirations for their future and are equipped with all the tools needed to become creative and lifelong learners who can contribute positively to the wider society.
As a Catholic school our Religious Education scheme is 'Come and See.'
Our curriculum will give children the opportunity to:
- experience the challenge and enjoyment of learning
- learn within a coherent and progressive framework
- explore the breadth and depth of the national curriculum
- develop a rich and deep subject knowledge
- develop new skills through a variety of interesting contexts
- develop and demonstrate their creativity
- understand the purpose and value of their learning and see its relevance to their past, present and future
- see clear links between different aspects of their learning
SMSC and British Values
Our curriculum will give children the opportunity to: •
SPIRITUAL- Explore beliefs, experience and faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity and reflect on experiences •
TOLERANCE AND RESPECT- To respect and tolerate the opinions or behaviour of others
INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY- Be free to express views or ideas
RULE OF LAW- Learn that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable for their actions and behaviour
DEMOCRACY- Be part of a system where everyone plays an equal part
CULTURAL- Appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity
SOCIAL - Use a range of social skills to participate in the local community and beyond; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict
MORAL - Recognise right and wrong and respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues and offer reasoned view
Our curriculum will give children the opportunity to:
- learn how to respect themselves and others
- reflect and think mindfully about their learning
- develop self-esteem and confidence in their abilities
- build respectful friendships
- work in a range of groups and settings
- recognise that people are good at different things
- follow their own interests and be themselves
- learn in a peaceful and supportive environment
Our curriculum will give children the opportunity to:
- explore ways of becoming an active citizen
- express their opinions on a range of different topics and issues
- take part in democratic activities across the curriculum
- contribute to planning their own learning
- make a positive contribution to the school and local community
- make choices about things that are important to them
- take part in age-appropriate discussions
- say what they like and dislike about their learning
Maths Vision Statement
Here at St Mary's RC Primary School we aim to develop:
- A positive attitude to mathematics as an interesting and valuable subject
- An understanding of mathematics through a process of enquiry reasoning and problem solving.
- A range of learning strategies working, cooperatively, collaboratively and independently.
- Confidence in mathematics where children can express ideas fluently and talk about the subject using mathematical language.
- An understanding of the importance of mathematics in everyday life.
English Vision Statement
At St Mary's Primary School, we aim to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping children with a strong command of the spoken and written word. We aim to develop:
- The habit of reading widely and often for both pleasure and information.
- A wide vocabulary.
- The ability to write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style for a range of audiences.
- The ability to use discussion in order to learn. They should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas.
Below you will find links to a break down of learning objectives for each year group, please just click on your child's year group and the subject of interest.
National Curriculum Link to Government website
Please look at your child's class page for their overall Curriculum Map for the Spring Term