St Mary's RC Primary School

Full of grace, we grow and learn together

Roman Road, Heaton Norris, Stockport, SK4 1RF

0161 480 5319

The 5 W's


At St. Mary's, we WELCOME all children, families and visitors. They know they are entering a friendly, happy place, where children follow the ways of Jesus by loving, valuing and respecting each other.


At St. Mary's, the WORD of God is placed at the centre of all that we do, following Diocesan guidelines and an enhanced curriculum, where RE is the core of the core and the Golden thread that runs throughout. This allows pupils to celebrate the word of God in an interesting and fun way.


At St. Mary's, we WITNESS a loving, caring God in the way we live, the way we treat each other and in the way we care about other people who do not have as much as we have. This is also reflected in the curriculum the children learn.


At St. Mary's, we WORSHIP God through our class prayers, school Masses, music, assemblies and collective worship. Also through our actions and through the way we live and treat each other.


At St. Mary's, the WELFARE of pupils and adults is at the heart of everything we do. We show this in the way we treat one another and in the way we respect each other. In our school, we want everyone to feel safe, to know they are valued as unique and that they are made in the image and likeness of God.